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tv   The Next List  CNN  October 21, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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still do not know how serious the injuries are, marty. >> you mentioned that the law enforcement may have an idea of who the suspect is. do we have any idea what the motive was? >> no, they're still not saying what the motive is. we don't know if it was a domestic kind of situation. they are not saying right now. but, you know, it's still early on in the investigation, so they're going to be there for quite some time. there are a number of law enforcement and fire, ems people on the scene, marty, assisting, and they'll probably be there for quite some time. it was an active shooter crime scene, if you will, with seven people shot. fairly large crime scene. >> mike brooks was joining us on the telephone bring us the latest from talking to his sources up there in suburban milwaukee. thanks, mike. we'll stay in close touch. and we are resetting for you at the top of the hour, wanting to bring you up to date on the latest developments coming out
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of suburban milwaukee where we are told there has been a shooting that's taken place at a day spa. there are a number of victims. we don't know exactly how many, however, the term mass shooting has been used to describe the scene there. we know at least seven people have been transported to one hospital in the milwaukee area. we are told that four of those people have non-life-threatening injuries, and that is to schrader hospital which are used to dealing with trauma. mike brooks from cnn was just on the air, and he was speaking to authorities who seem to know where the suspect is, and they know where he lives. they're trying to figure out where the suspect may be. let's go back to them and listen to their coverage. >> keep folks away from the area so folks don't go in harm's way. we never show tactical positions on air so officers' positions
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aren't given up. you don't know if someone inside the spa has a television on and they're using that information. we're staying a distance away from the scene itself. we're a good couple miles off of the scene itself. we're south of highway 94. we're keeping a short distance from it the entire time. the country club there close to the scene is on lockdown at this point, in addition to the mall as well. we'll keep an eye on it and let you know if anything changes from this angle. >> thanks to matt. and we've got brookfield square on lockdown right now, so if you've got loved ones that went to the mall there, know that they are inside. they are not being allowed to leave right now. we also have westmoor country club on lockdown, and we have joe cohen, one of the managers of the westmoor country club and they're on lockdown. what can you tell us about what you know, mr. cohen? >> basically we're on lockdown, just trying to keep everyone
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safe, and that's been for approximately an hour and a half. >> of course, it's a gorgeous sunday afternoon. what was going on with your country club there today? what were people doing when all of this happened? >> we obviously had a number of golfers, and we had a sunday brunch. we had quite a bit of activity, but everyone now is in the building and we're completely shut down. >> it must be a difficult situation for you. i'm sure people are coming up to you and asking you what's going on, and as we are trying to effort information, i'm sure you are as well there. what are you telling people? >> pretty much what we're seeing on tv, you know. we don't really know much more than what you all know, so we're just abiding by the lockdown orders at this time. >> were you given any indication by police or the sheriff's department there in waukesha county whether they thought the suspect might be somewhere near where you are? obviously, when you're on lockdown there, that implies that the situation is not
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necessarily stable, that there might still be some danger to people being outside. >> we really were not given any indication that he was in our vicinity. >> okay. so that's good news for you, but was it the sheriff's office that contacted on you or brookfield police? >> that was the waukesha county dispatch. >> waukesha county dispatch. so you're just telling your guests right now that they can't leave the building. they're supposed to stay there. i'm sure that's difficult for people. are they calling their loved ones or are they calling you asking for information about them? >> we've had a number of calls with people not being able to get to the golf course who are anticipating playing. we are fielding those calls and pretty much just asking them to stay away at this time. >> all right. well, mr. cohen, we appreciate that you joined us by telephone. have you been able to hear anything? have you gone outside to see -- describe the scene for us outside the country club. what are you seeing, what are you hearing? >> i really haven't heard
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anything, no shots, just an awful lot of squad cars and helicopters and sirens, and that's been going on pretty much the last two hours. but nothing more than that. >> all right. thank you. mr. cohen from westmoor country club. we appreciate you joining us by telephone. we're going back to abe bectin who is one of the first reporters on the scene if not the first reporter out there. abe, you saw one of the people in this salon, the salon right across the street from brookfield square, why don't you walk through again, abe, what they told you? >> terry, is truly was a chilling account, and to provide a bit of context before we relay that. we're standing in the parking lot of brookfield square mall just across the street from where all of this is taking place. the man said he was going to barnes & noble. he had just left church when a woman came out of the spa across the street, was screaming that someone inside had been
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shooting. she said she had seen people get shot. he said that he was in the mall just a little bit here. we're told the man said the girl was coming out of that store, that she was barefoot, that somebody had started shooting inside the spa and that she needed help. the man immediately went with her inside the brookfield square mall, called authorities and police came out here within five minutes. he said it may have been even quicker than that. the chronology was really tough to remember in such a frantic moment, in such a frantic situation. we heard from another witness who also was just out here at the mall shortly around 11:00 this morning. that witness felt that she was walking through the parking lot when she saw a woman who appeared to have been shot come out of the salon. she said she rolled out and that police immediately came in, swooped in, picked her up and put her in an ambulance and the ambulance sped off. she said shortly after that, a second woman actually came out of the salon. this woman, she said, was taken
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by police, put into a squad car, taken a short distance to a nearby building and that emergency medical personnel started working on the woman actually inside the squad car. what we've learned at this point is that seven people were shot, four of them taken with we're told were non-critical injuries to the hospital, but that three others should be arriving now at schrader hospital and their conditions are unknown. we're still waiting to hear from the hospital. i'm going to step aside and give you a sense of the sea of ambulances that have gathered behind me. i'm also talking to chris bore who is reminding me that this was a spot where there tragically was a shooting previously. we're by the sheraton just down the road, and in 2005 that was where a man killed seven people and then himself at a church service. so it's something that is, indeed, a chilling irony that here we are just -- especially on this side of the brookfield
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square mall, a block, essentially, maybe at this point, the entrance is about a block. we are actually three blocks distance from that, maybe four or five blocks, but very close to where there was another shooting, and that shooting in 2005, seven people were killed there and the gunman killed himself. i'm also told by my colleague nick bore who is on the scene that customers are leaving the mall from the west side and that a number of stores inside have closed, but not all of them have closed. the mall is on lockdown right now. the indications we're hearing from witnesses are that none of the shootings took place inside the mall itself, but given there is an active tactical situation going on, meaning that police may at this point still be looking for the gunman, it's not known to what extent the mall may be involved in all that they're doing here. what we do know is that it's involved as a staging area for the sea of emergency crews that is sitting out here right now. waukesha county, west dallas, i'm going through hale's
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corners. i'm reading the names of the towns that have sent ambulances here to the parking lot just to give you some sense of the size of the response out here right now. what we know, terry, also is that people have been asked to leave this section of the mall. the mall is on some sort of lockdown. we, in the last probably 15 minutes from where we are, haven't seen anyone come or go, but we're told again inside by nick bore who was inside that some of the stores in there have closed, but not all of them have closed. >> you're listening to our affiliate wisn in brookfield where there has been a shooting in a day spa. at least seven have been transported to an area hospital. we know they are not life-threatening injuries. we also know there is a suspect supposedly on the loose and authorities continue to look. we're going to take a break. when we come back, we'll follow the story more.
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cnn. if you're just joining us, we continue to cover a news story in brookfield, a suburb outside milwauk milwaukee. there was a shooting outside the brookfield mall at a day spa, the azana spa. four people were transported to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, three others were taken and that's all we know about them. let's listen to the local reporting. >> brookfield police and response to this mass casualty, mass shooting there. again, seven people wounded and now the fbi is getting involved. we're not being told there are any hostages but the fbi is offering whatever sources they have to the milwaukee area in
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brookfield square. this happened shortly after 11:00 this morning, and i know in the early stages of this, officers have been trained to respond to things like this differently than they used to. how has that changed since, say, the columbine shooting? >> they're using the instant demand system where they get all the resources they need for that location in a staging area, and a lot of planning goes into this, and certainly while the f fbi is a good partner to have, they're able to bring a lot of resources to the table, so it's a good resource to have available to local law enforcement as they are nv enveloped in this situation. >> this is a difficult situation with the size of this building where it happened, brian. you've got a 9,000-square-foot, very large building. this is a spa. you have multiple rooms. anyone who has been inside a spa
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knows there are multiple places where people are getting services throughout that spa. apparently one of the witnesses described having a relative, according to our reporter abe who is on the scene, who had some sort of automatic weapon or semi-automatic weapon who was in there engaged in the shooting. what does a law enforcement officer have to deal with when you're going into a building like that making sure you have everybody out who can get out but also saving yourself? we just saw this in the temple shooting in early august. >> that's an excellent point. you have the building where the incident occurred. a lot of different rooms, different -- you know, the layout of the building again going to the largest rooms, but it's right across the street from a major, major mall where you have a high volume of people moving throughout on a major thoroughfare with moreland road where you have a high volume of
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traffic going through until law enforcement can shut that down and contain it. ultimately what law enforcement wants to do in this situation is contain it so it does not grow any larger and start evacuation around the immediate area, and that's what law enforcement is currently doing as we speak. >> all right. brian doro from waukesha technical college where lots of police officers receive ongoing training. we thank you for bringing your expertise and training. abe, this happened about two hours ago out there near brookfield square mall. again, this is the azana spa. it's sort of a landmark business out there near brookfield square. >> a landmark business across from the mall, a very large spa. as we were headed to the area a few hours ago, not having the
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name of the spa wondering if this was a small time of business establishment or is this a large one? to provide some context, this is a live one. we're not showing you a live picture of it because we don't want to give away the tactical positions of the officers, and we are told this is still an ongoing tactical situation, meaning there could still be a shooter on the loose there or a shooter, at least, on the premises. what we do know is this. on the mall here, a sea of ambulances is gathered behind me waiting at the ready to respond. already emergency crews have managed to take seven people to schrader hospital. four of them we're told have non-critical injuries. three of them we don't know about. three of them have been there for a short time, probably, and we've not got an update at this point from the hospital on their status. we heard a number of things since we first got here. >> we continue to follow developments coming out of brookfield, wisconsin. this is to the west of milwaukee, suburban milwaukee. apparently a shooting took place
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in a day spa. at least seven people have been transported to a hospital. that's all we know at this particular time. authorities continue to look for a suspect. you can see there is a large gathering of emergency equipment on the scene, and we continue to follow developments after this break. [ male announcer ] if you can't take a sick day, here's a cold hard fact. alka-seltzer plus cold & cough may cause marked drowsiness. try dayquil cold & flu for non-drowsy relief of these symptoms. so you can save the day, not worry about falling asleep. keys, keys, keys, keys, keys.
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hello, everyone. i'm martin savage. we are continuing to follow events that are happening in suburban milwaukee, brookfield specifically, outside a mall. it's actually a day spa across the street from that mall, the azana spa, where there are reports of multiple people having been shot. this is an active scene. they are looking for a suspect there as well as a heavy representation of emergency equipment and prior personnel as well. we are following this through our affiliate wisn. we know several people have been injured in some way.
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we can't specifically say they've been shot or said to be non-life-threatening. three people are in the process of being transported. >> i want to welcome abby croft. people heading out to the mall, and again, their peace and tranquility shattered by a mass shooting again. >> exactly, a mass shooting in the azana spa salon, directly across pr brookfield mall, a very busy area. a lot of people just learning about this heading out to the area. the roads are smut dohut down, active on a sunday morning. very similar when we were hear on a sunday for the temple sikh shooting as well. just remarkable to see this happening again. >> it is, and a lot of people from brookfield and around the area will remember that in march 2005, not very far from where this current scene is playing out, another shooter walked into a church service at the sheraton
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hotel and killed seven people and then himself. now we've got a different situation from the standpoint that we've got an active shooter and authorities apparently at this point have not secured that shooter or the suspect in this. at least, we've not been informed of that, and they are still geared up for what they call a tactical situation, and that means specially trained officers are shielded, so if they confront this person, they are equipped to handle the situation as best they can. we have multiple emergency vehicles out there, including ambulances, flight for life. if you're just joining us, this happened about 11:15 this morning inside the azana spa. this is right across the street from brookfield square. four of those victims taken to
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schrader hospital. we don't know the condition of those other three victims. >> the hospital says they're still waiting for those people to be brought in. the number of people that have been brought in here because there is still an active shoo r shooter, they believe, on the scene. we also know hostage negotiators on the scene. we don't know if there perhaps is more people in that spa. i know on sunday it's not traditional people would be in the spa, but that's such an active one in the area that definitely there are appointments, definitely things happening on a sunday, even. it is a very active area. >> we just learned that alcohol, tobacco and firearms, this is a federal agency equipped to respond to incidents where there have been either guns or weapons of some kind involved in an incident, they have ten agents now on the scene.
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they were joined also by fbi hostage negotiators and specially trained federal agents who deal with victims like this. we don't know if there's any kind of hostage situation, but these people are obviously highly trained and very effective at their jobs. if you have loved ones that are at that area -- >> again, we're following these developments coming out of brookfield, wisconsin, a western suburb of milwaukee. there has been a shooting that's taken place. it happened about two hours ago. we still understand this is an ongoing investigation. you can see the huge response of emergency personnel. seven people have been transported to hospitals. they're being treated for, they've said, non-life-threatening conditions. we don't know about the our three victims. police continue to search for the suspect. there is a lot of police placed
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on the mall there, also a lockdown at the country club nearby. they don't know where that suspect is currently. we're going to take a break, and i want to remind you we're following that news as well as other news today. we're following the death of george mcgovern and the candidates. they're preparing for a big debate monday. all of that begins right after this. endless shrimp is our most popular promotion at red lobster. there's so many choices, the guests love it!
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you're in the cnn newsroom. i'm martin savage in for fredricka whitfield. we're on breaking news in wisconsin. there has been a mass shooting at or near the azana spa. that's near the brookfield mall in the brookfield


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